YML Published Sri Aurobindo Cwsa 17 Isha Upanishad
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In this section dedicated to Sri Aurobindo, we have republished his complete works below. Some other sites that may be of interest to the Newcomer / Aurobindonian are: Beyond Man, AuroMere and Aurobindo.ru.
Translations of and commentaries on the Isha Upanishad.
The volume is divided into two parts: (1) Sri Aurobindo's final translation and analysis of the Isha Upanishad. This small work contains his definitive interpretation of the Upanishad. It is the only writing in this volume published during his lifetime; (2) ten incomplete commentaries on the Isha. Ranging from a few pages to more than a hundred, these commentaries show the development of his interpretation of this Upanishad from around 1900 to the middle of 1914.
download :: cwsa-17-isha-upanishad.pdf