YML Published Sri Aurobindo Cwsa 09 Writings In Bengali And Sanskrit
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In this section dedicated to Sri Aurobindo, we have republished his complete works below. Some other sites that may be of interest to the Newcomer / Aurobindonian are: Beyond Man, AuroMere and Aurobindo.ru.
All writings in Bengali and Sanskrit.
Most of the pieces in Bengali were written by Sri Aurobindo in 1909 and 1910 for Dharma, a Calcutta weekly he edited at that time; the material consists chiefly of brief political, social and cultural works. His reminiscences of detention in Alipore Jail for one year ("Tales of Prison Life") are also included. There is also some correspondence with Bengali disciples living in his ashram. The Sanskrit works deal largely with philosophical and cultural themes. (This volume will be available both in the original languages and in a separate volume of English translations.)
download :: cwsa-09-writings-in-bengali-and-sanskrit.pdf