YML Learn Educational Programs Creative Expression

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We want the best for our children. We want them to grow up happy, capable and purposeful, doing things they can feel proud about. We also want them to develop emotionally and be able to express their thoughts and individuality. We need to work together and give them a good base. We need to give parents and teachers the power to shape their children's lives. Welcome to the Creative Expression (CX) class, now being piloted at cascadefls.org. We believe in the triad:

To facilitate this, we use:

Lesson Plan (2022)

See our Jan 2022 Lesson Plan here

Support for Creative Expression

Introducing the PACT (parent teacher networking) initiative of YieldMore.org and how through their participation, support,and encouragement, our 8 week Creative Expression Program can help trigger a more free-flowing, inspired phase in the children's lives.

We believe in enabling parent / teacher communities to jointly consider the holistic development of their children, giving them the right exposure, activities and encouragement necessary to blossom into joyful, talented and purposeful individuals.

An ongoing task for schools, PTAs and parent circles, our first priority is to orient and network these. As we discover programs and activities, we share these and the groups, individual parents / teachers make a decision for the budding youngsters. The flow of suggestions is two way, with parents often contributing ideas to our network at large.

Other Supporting Programs

In a separate article, we will deal with brain science and study, but for now, suffice it to say that there are programs like Spirits Journey and Brainsync that help increase the level of function of both the left brain (Logic) and right brain (Creativity) in harmony and BOTH sides developed. Thus, for the children, Artful Skill and Skillful Art is developed.

The Sensory Enhancement Program (BRiCS) can be conducted for groups of 8 children or more and is best suited for children between the ages of 5 and 15.

About the Process

We proffer a 4 step process for developing a child's Creative Expression - one of Explore*1, Experience, Emote, Express.

Character is important and that comes from exposure (exploring) to the right ideas and stories, giving them the context (experience) to develop their own views (emotional proclivities) , skills and ambitions.

Music and poems soothe and inspires. Worldview development from exposure to Stories and Movies. Through curation, we give children an opportunity to explore this wonderful world of songs/movies/books. In the last stage, they are encouraged to express themselves.

Ideally an ongoing process right through school and college life, we have condensed this into an 8 week storytelling and poetry writing program to initiate this.

*1 - Read this article by Vinita Dawra Nangia which underscores the magic of the worlds created by Poets, Artists, Witers, Musicians and Filmmakers.

2020 Storytelling and Poetry Class Outline

Course Designer: Imran - imran@yieldmore.org / +919841223313 Status: Searching for resource people and pilot schools / online classes

Part of our series on Creative Expression, the Storytelling and Poetry Workshop for children combines exploration with expression to facilitate their emotional development. It is an ongoing affair and can be arranged by the Parent Teacher Association as related to our Education Network - PACT.

Week 0 - Preparation / Curation

For exploration, we conduct storytelling sessions but first prepare the parents and teachers in the art of curation. They are asked to make small articles / video clips talking about the various stories, music and movies that have uplifted / influenced them, share clips and links etc. These are compiled here: Curation, Learning, Creativity and Education. This process is initiated 1 month before the workshop begins.

Week 2 - Parallel Development

Children are exposed to Audio Programs that help refresh the mind and balance the creative / logical hemispheres. We suggest Monroe's Spirits Journey and Brain Gym. Interested parents may also consider the BRiCS program / Instrumental Enrichment. This is started 2 weeks before the storytelling classes begin.

Week 2 - Exploration and Journaling

The children are then asked to explore these curations and maintain a journal of their thoughts, preparing to talk about something that they emote / connect with in the 6th week.

Week 5 and 6 - Storytelling Class

Different stories and poems will be covered here and an interactive discussion following. Passages may be selected instead of an abridged story.

Week 6 - Storytelling Experience

In the 6th week, the Children each will be asked to present a story to the class which is also submitted to the resource persons for individualised feedback. This is the start of their expression. They are asked to bring their journal as well for the discussion.

Week 7 and 8 - Poetry Workshop

An interactive session where the children are asked to spontaneously express themselves and together write poems (in groups of 5) and as an assignment for the final week will be conducted.