YML Articles Imran Letters
Band Together
I have spent the last 8 years ruminating on some values (spirit) and ideating. I'm now a little more articulate, confident and try to stay on topic.
What if we banded together to share our philosophies, causes, ambitions and dreams? What if people could feel for our worries and cares and niggles?
What if we didn't have to face the world alone? What if we could meet in large numbers then find common grounds on which to establish another rung in the ladder from adolescent to evergreen humanity.
Let's agree not to squander our time and resources on petty motives and intents, rather use them to uplift someone, including our families and selves
I have deliberately left the description of YieldMore.org broad in scope and incomplete in many details. It was never intended as a solo enterprise, rather a collective social experiment
It's not a competing identity, rather a coalition of everyday heroes who want to reach out and do good. So come tell me your worries and ideas and strivings and lets find and plough common ground.
I can be contacted in my capacities as a Online publisher and Webmaster Writing to both promote an idea or help someone crystallize an emotion, be it a dream or a hurtful past from which some healing is necessary Team player for an NGO who brings a very unique perspective and action plan Publisher of prayers, classes, free pdfs etc
YM has had these ideas in the past Creating an education forum for existing educators to showcase what works for them, what #JoyfulLearningActivities for their students parents and teachers. Establishing a Wish Class, inspiring children with all sorts of books, movies, songs and ideas Learning from scriptures of various seers and prophets (modern and old) in a referenceable, searchable manner. Promoting better coherence in the office (Evolving Sunlight) Providing web, online and admin to NGOs (Supershare) Showcasing the work of NGOs, encouraging #DirectDonations and #Volunteering - this is the support section Inviting healers to come mke their home with us.
I am happy to discard any of these ideas and work on yours, so long as we share the same spirit and longing for a brighter tomorrow
Imran Ali Namazi 13 Feb 2021
Catalyse Change
How can you catalyse change?
Heroes need for their stories to be told. Organizations need to attract the right sort of believers, supporters etc. People need to share their stories, heal from the trauma of the past / the social issues that burn close to their hearts, find like minded people to espouse their cause and an easy way to find sincere people whose work to expand on / augment.
As per the divine plan, there's already plenty of Acts of Kindness going around in the world. We need these acts to be magnified and become a part of everyday life.
We need that magical number of 700,000 people to grow manifold. The surest way to convince someone about the Life Divine is to reach out and touch them - a commitment to love our fellow creatures - show it, do it, mean it.
Joyland / Joyful Earth Welcome Note
There will be (as there have been always) places on Earth that seem otherworldly. Where the ambience is pregnant with the promise of a moment and a dream fulfilled. Fulfilled with a moment's worth of distance run, for that the art, to live fully and consciously IN THE MOMENT.
Long ponder just who you want to be. Feel perplexed, baffled, dissuaded and despondent in your "trapped today" but then shake off the malady and come back to life, overcoming obstacles and gaining confidence - with ease.
Reach out and touch people, build relationships, be kind to yourself and the rest will follow...
Joyland Welcome, 16th Feb 2020
Cry Liberty and Integrationism
Dear Brothers and Sisters of India, in the name of the collective wisdom of the universe, I beseech you not to identify as originators of it. It's divisive and not in keeping with its true spirit.
Ideology was intended to expand consciousness and liberate, not breed infighting. Our greatest strength has always been our gifting of Jnana freely for the common good. Such was the character of Jagdish Chandra Bose and Nikola Tesla.
The vast ocean of truth lies before us, to be tested and put to the soul's uses. The voyage is of self discovery and joy in each other's uniqueness.
My Story
I have been pretending that a few words and ideas meant I had accomplished something. Today, day 2368 since I wrote what I've come to call the YM Mandate on August 10th 2013, I have to be honest and say that all my words, files and conversations still haven't amounted to a single action for anyone's good.
Therefore, YieldMore.org is only a statement of intention. A dream. I hope I dont have to wait 16 years like Mirra did!
So I set out to daily be my best self in the hope that someday it will all amount to something. Like Douglas Adams said, future uncertain.
2 friends helped me realise that YM is only a structure, it has no soul. A part of that is because I've been a passive bystander, sometimes absentee in my own life. More self love and self awareness is needed.
That Charter can be read here. https://legacy.yieldmore.org/brother
Let us not forget the numbers of our bright ones and the effulgence of Our Mother!
I can be contacted in my capacities as an apprentice listener (someday counselor), writer, ideator, programmer and volunteer.
I'd like to be friends with you and work for a brighter tomorrow. Can we work together?
I try and be online every morning at 8.30 am India Time at https://whereby.com/yieldmore
I can also be contacted on hangouts / gmail at yieldmore@cselian.com or WhatsApp at +919841223313
Warmly, Imran Ali Namazi Ideator, YieldMore.org, 2nd Feb 2020
General Introduction
The YieldMore.org network is filled with people passionate about genuinely helping one another and YOU, our visitor. Still at an early development stage, people will, in time, visit the website for - Digested Information - It's network of concerned individuals - Idea sharing and joint activities - Our directory of programs and services - Guidance on building community centers
Now, in 2020, 6 years after Imran had a revelation, we've the following goals - To become a hub where people come for ideas and initiatives (movements) - To guide the formation and operation of Joyland Centers - To be known as a place to find people willing to help with ones various problems - To earn revenue from promotion and grooming of the "conscious marketplace" - To trigger donations to causes including ours - To find backing by big organizations so we can grow better, but in a very disruptive way - To be known as a place where people are of paramount importance and integrationism is the watchword
Do visit: yieldmore.org - website redone in November 2019 (see sitemap) legacy.yieldmore.org - old website since 2015 (see sitemap) facebook.com/groups/YieldMore - facebook group
At this stage, we want to give educators, healers, social workers and charity organizations a place to compare notes, create profiles about the work they do and publish their articles in our Journal.
We are also looking for curators, volunteers, coordinators and promoters (both online and offline) to help us take things forward.
Those of you who are interested in building community centers are of special interest to us as we want to try out the idea of "Joyland" in them.
We hope that by April 2020, our numbers will have swelled and that our ventures (link not yet active) will have taken off
Do get in touch on yieldmore@cselian.com (email) +91-9841223313 (whatsapp / phone) facebook.com/imran.yieldmore (facebook) linkedin.com/in/ianamazi/ (linkedin)
Yours Genially, Imran Ali Namazi Ideator, YieldMore.org 30 Jan 2020
Collaborator Introduction
Good Day One and All,
We are YieldMore.org, gearing up for the new decade by building on our plans from yester-year viz.:
- Formation of an Education Forum - PACT
This will involve parents and teachers in a joint - discovery / dialogue / dissemination exercise whereby they learn of new programs and techniques and work to establish the school / college flavours of joyland both in schools and in / near their houses.
- Building the Database for the Public Interest Network
As per this document, the PIN consists of the conscious marketplace, advertisers, closed groups / the general public of beneficiaries. We are presently trying to build the programs for the conscious marketplace here.
- Establish a model Joyland Center
Joyland is a physical place for programs to be conducted on healing, education, self growth etc. Each center is to be operated by a group of consultants from the marketplace in as many flavours as possible.
- Create a core and content group.
Most of you close friends here I would be thrilled to have you as part of the core group. Join us on WhatsApp here. To also answer as many questions in this FAQ.
- Build a following on social media and launch our explainer video.
We will know that our following on social media is expanding when people start using our yieldmore.org/conversations/ *1 - the Goodwill Exchange feature to quickly post on matters close to their heart. This conversation starter, by managing hashtags properly, should serve as a Forum, Classifieds and a Favour Bank.
*1 - This feature needs content and to be finished developing
Channel on Health and Affirmations > To expand this document which was foreseen here in Jan 2019. And expand on the Legacy Heal Channel
Work out the details of the 4 interview series (workplace, education, spirituality, evolution).
Build on the new wordpress site by expanding the content and proper SEO / SEM / SMM.
In the following pages are more letters for Individual Groups (like education institutions etc)
Warm regards, Imran Ali Namazi 9th Jan 2020